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Come on, Time to Stop violence ..!!!

Written By Moremore on May 12, 2011 | 10:52 AM

Everyone would not want to live with hostility, heresy, resentment, physical action, and others but all people want to live with compassion spray, directed to noble deeds, respecting others, empathy, solid, and able to merge themselves to harmonize with all groups (mutual symbiosis).
Like it or not, apply violence (physical or non physical) because there is no social life, unable to hold back when it does not harmonize his will with a choice of others.According to John F. Kennedy; harmony will kill the right of individuals to merge what is believed, desired and wanted.
In the context of religion for example, one party sent to live the teachings or beliefs that have been ingrained. With a loud pushy and rude: "Come on, you must and shall enter our religion because our religion is the most / very true. Come on, straighten kindness, fight who disagree,  with us. Let's all convert to Islam, no religion other than Islam. "
Do we have to apply this to non  with our (non-Islam). Oh, do not be so. He said he ikraha fiddin, I still insist, be harsh. He said Islam a peaceful religion, why terror into the pavilion.
In the context of case law; one of them there are people who deliberately steal, cheat, and kill, must be judged to death? Without thinking clearly that there are law enforcement officers (police, judges) who can handle it legally. I do not know, maybe there are comments that say, how could the police and judges clean. Each time there is news, police and judges are still stumble lawsuits. Okay we have a multi-course different interpretations. Especially if the anger and lust and the act of petty cunning plus aji always be considered the ultimate sniper and efficacious.
In the context of the family, who became a statement to this day is, whether the female figures (each the wives) have experienced violence (nuzuz) than husbands (men) because they do not deserve. Obeying the will of the husband, although in the wrong corridor. Moreover, if a woman shall be deprived of their rights (misogyny) not to confirm its role (public space) as intelligent beings. Especially concerning child abuse. What good is Children's Day celebration will reflect national; Son as the successor of our nation's future, they do not want to be removed during enjoy, because their parents imposed by reason of acts of violence as a form of awareness.Once again, do not be so.
Perhaps in addition to what is described above, can also be linked with other contexts. I believe every human being must have the vision, character, and a different attitude.

What Fortunately Conflict

What's the point we build a conflict, quarrel, riot until the violence becomes the end of the settlement that has no meaning, not too useful. Want to carry around the spirit of compassion, caring, mutual help, tolerance, tolerant painstakingly built it? What is the meaning of pluralism (inclusive) disclosed just enough, then disappear like smoke.This is also because there are no consequences to apply themselves as well as all people in building a sense of security, peaceful, prosperous, peaceful and prosperous in a country that often collide interests.
Anyone would say, violence in any form or intent, not the main goal in solving every problem. It must be realized, the violence only ransacked the rights of individuals (specifically), especially fraternity (solidarity) among us. Are not we taught the importance of meaning or symbol of "Unity in Diversity" and the 45 Constitution, religious sciences for over the years we schooled. It does not only contain a dry substance, not even considered just a figment. In addition, we are taught how we appreciate and respect difference ethnicity, tribe, race, and religion. Therefore, the attitude of maturity we should shore up embers that continued to spread in various parts of the region (especially in Indonesia).
No exaggeration, if we live together, not necessarily marginalized, discredit, discriminate against any provision of God (not ignite extreme action).

Negative Stigma to provocateur

Being a provocateur (context provocation) is not always viewed positively and not deny (impartial social interests). Nothing wrong if we take care of provocation action which is still heavily publicly-incessant polemic reap, sow confrontation, compete among one another sheep.
Provocateurs certainly do not want to think shallow, being ignorant (fool). Of course many paths to the point of satisfaction for heating the atmosphere, many cunning political strategy to tactics, deliberately  (gossip) for causing the gap and social deterioration. Especially considering the danger of provocation could injure anyone if we do not think rationally (clear) digest again, what the best thing to complete the problem of whack in this country. Maybe we are not aware that it may act provocation who make bad effects (can also be caused by hasut-inflammatory, making a lie; inconsequential) to incidents of clashes, riot of violence, can not be inevitable. 


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